Orientation program of summer semester held by dept. of law
Posted on September 28, 2017 at 9:00 AM
Tags: Summer Orientation 2017 LAW

Orientation program of summer semester held by dept. of law
The Orientation Program of Summer-2017 Semester of Primeasia University for the newly enrolled students in Department of Law was held at IQAC conference room on Monday, 12 June, 2017. On this occasion an Ifter Party was also organized by the Department.
The program was presided over by Head of the Law Department, Dr. Syed Sarfaraj Hamid. Prof. Dr. Abdul Hannan Chowdhury, Vice Chancellor of Primeasia University attended the program as the chief guest while Treasurer of Primeasia University, Mr. A K M Ashraful Huq was present as the special guest.
Addressing as the chief guest Mr. Prof. Dr. Abdul Hannan Chowdhury vowed that Primeasia University is trying to become one of the leading private universities in the country and he is willing to contribute in the students’ progress in every way he can. Department of Law warmly welcomed the Fresher’s in the Primeasia family in this program. The students were encouraged to work hard and be torch bearers of the university by contributing in the development of the country. Finally the program was concluded by a special prayer and Iftar Party.